software engineering blog by Maryna Savchenko

Is Software Development Art?

Sander Mak’s talk “The Art of Software development” at JFall conference and discussions with my colleagues left me puzzled somehow. Is software development more art than engineering? What is it that I am doing anyway? Around that time I read an article about Jens Haaning, a Danish conceptual artist who was commissioned by museum to recreate two earlier works that used scores of banknotes to represent average incomes. When museum stuff received the work they discovered two empty frames with the title “Take the Money and Run”.

Blockchain Intro: Use Cases and Consensus

Why do we need blockchain? In the world where we desperately need to cooperate Blockchain answers the question of how to establish trust between unknown people who want to carry out value exchange. It satisfies the need for a common system that keeps track of transactions, establishes public trust and maintain it forever. Let’s take a look at examples of blockchain in different sectors first to understand use cases.