software engineering blog by Maryna Savchenko

Confusing Consistency: CAP vs ACID

Effective communication requires getting definitions right. Very often the same word can have different meanings and lead to confusion. Good example of that would be term Consistency. In this article we will take a look at consistency in CAP and ACID and differences between them. Let’s start with defining CAP and ACID. CAP theorem is formulated by computer scientist Eric Brewer in 2000, and states that a distributed data store cannot simultaneously provide more than two out of the following three guarantees:

Blockchains Comparison

In the previous article we took a look at some basic blockchain concepts and use cases. Now let’s explore the differences between several prominent public blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum and Kadena) through the lens of challenges they are facing and understand how those challenges are addressed. So, what are main problems of blockchain? 1. Privacy Privacy is not the strongest suite of public blockchains because it is not fully matured area. What does this mean?