software engineering blog by Maryna Savchenko

Open Source Software: True Love or Business Transaction

“Open source” is one of the concepts that is widely used and at the same time is widely misunderstood. I think that is misunderstanding, not injustice leads to wave of frustration every time next company make a switch from Open Source Licence to Business Source License. HashiCorp, Confluent, Elastic, Redis and others did prioritize their business with Business Source License move. Do they being greedy? No. They just make money, as business suppose to do.

The Power of Data Oriented Programming in Java

Most of the applications we developers are working on are have to do with data. We are getting data from “outside world”, save it and pass further. And it does not matter how complex the domain is we always ask the next questions: How do I know for sure that my data is valid? How do I avoid errors in my system and do not inject it into other system? The answer is - better data modeling.